बुधवार, 17 मई 2023

The Great Drama of Development

I may have great sympathy and empathy for the so-called "leaders of development," but I have no respect for them. Why do I use the word "Drama" with "Development"? Development is a pious word or concept used for improvement in humanity. This is the reason why the act of drama is being made in the name of overall development. I may be wrong about the concept of development in general, but I must be right when the concept of development is used in specific regional areas or for specific cultures around the world. Which regional areas or cultures are included in my "awkward" term? All areas and cultures included in this 'Drama' term are referred to as "undeveloped" or "developing" regions, cultures, countries, or nations. All these regions, cultures, countries, or nations are engaging in great drama in their respective fields.

What is 'Drama'? Drama is an emotional act of a specific mode of fiction represented in a performance to show sympathy or empathy with the viewer, spectator, or audience. It has no reality of performance in the real world. It is simply an act to show performance to satisfy the egoes of the mass of spectators. It is merely a game or plays enjoyed by people's representatives with the people in different strata. It may be a comedy or a tragedy, depending on your wisdom, analysis, evaluation capability, or judgment. Some dramas can be performed in combination with religious music, i.e., religious performances. Some dramas may only include emotionally spoken dialogues. It all depends on the analytical or critical thinking level of the people or the masses and the acting level of their leaders.

What is 'Development,' and why is it different from the concept of 'Growth'? Development is an inclusive concept that encompasses all spheres and aspects of life. Growth, on the other hand, is an exclusive concept that includes only limited aspects or scales that can be visualized with the naked eye. Development is a multidimensional improvement, whereas growth is a single-dimensional increase or improvement. The concept of development demands an 'innovative' culture, i.e., a scientific mentality or rational and logical thinking. Hence, the growth of 'cement, brick, and iron' cannot always be considered as indicators of development. The production of petroleum may contribute to the growth of some nations in middle east, but development can only be observed in that certain nations.

What is culture? It is a way of life that is learned from one's inherited society. Culture encompasses attitudes, actions, behaviors, values, patterns, traditions, and thinking processes, among other things. Simply put, it is the software of society that runs, controls, regulates, and affects all spheres of life in general. Only humans have culture. Without culture, there is no difference between a man and an animal. But only a culture based on scientism, i.e., one that gives importance to logic, analysis, justice, equality, freedom, and fraternity in life, is a developing culture. If any culture does not recognize these elements, it must be a feudal one. Every backward society has a feudal culture that has arisen and developed during the middle ages of history.

All developments are done for humans, either in the short run or in the very long run. Since all developments are done by and for people, we must consider the mental stage or level of the people concerned. All people are human beings and, therefore, have different levels of consciousness compared to general animal levels. As humans, people have different thinking levels, i.e., different levels of culture, i.e., different levels of their thinking process. Some wise individuals have a good level of thinking, i.e., a critical thinking level, while others mostly have a poor level of thinking, lacking critical thinking. In human society, cultural inertia, i.e., the inertia of thought, works effectively in traditional developing or undeveloped societies. Inertia is the natural properties of objects or ideas or cultures which opposes the change in its earlier position. Clearly, these societies, cultures, regions, or countries are backward.

This means that ‘culture’ and the ‘inertia of culture’ have a prominent role in the development process. Without considering these factors, all developmental acts are simply a great drama or a type of drama. Wise people in that society or culture are aware of the role of cultural hindrances in the developmental mechanism. However, if they are cunning or artful, they may not acknowledge this hindrance mechanism of cultural inertia. Cultural inertia always favors the wise, prosperous, respected, honorable, and strong individuals or communities in that society. These individuals or communities have a natural affinity or love for that cultural inertia. They see the benefits of cultural inertia and therefore do not want to disturb the traditional culture in the name of a "perpetual and glorious culture".

Actually, the culture of a backward society or nation, which is considered "perpetual and glorious," is a feudal culture that originated during the middle ages of history. These "perpetual and glorious cultures" lack archeological evidence or primary authentic sources from ancient periods of history. The ruling community is aware of this fraud but supports it because their community traditionally benefits from this culture. The other suffering people, in the name of their "perpetual and glorious culture," support the feudal culture, which is not the original, real, ancient, and perpetual culture of that society. These suffering people do not understand the concepts and processes of cultural inertia, the inertia of thoughts and the natural scientific development of history.

If we don't want to transform the thinking pattern, i.e., the mental process, i.e., the software of that society, we are merely participating in a great drama in the name of development. We are discussing the concepts like critical thinking, out-of-the-box thinking, scientific temper, scientism, etc., in theory, but we do not want to implement these concepts on the ground. What is this acting? It is actually a great drama of development performed by different global agencies, other organizations, and many governments on a global level.

If we truly want development, we have to consider the power of culture and transform the mentality of the masses. We must give special emphasis to changing the inertia of culture or the inertia of thoughts. Firstly, we have to recognize the problems in the cultural environment and thinking process, i.e. the running software of society. Otherwise, we are simply participating in a great drama. We should not rely on "over-matured," "over-fatigued," and "sold" individuals of that society for drastic social transformation. We should rely only on the youth, who are the true early adopters, trendsetters, and game-changers due to their age level.

I don't want to raise any questions on the integrity of any authority, but I must raise questions on the integrity of the so-called wise people and professors of the concerned society if they are truly wise and knowledgeable. If they are unaware of these things, they are innocent. However, if they are aware of all these things and their mechanisms and they do not present them to the concerned authorities, they are betraying their society, culture, country, and humanity in general.

Think it over. It is a very serious matter for their society, culture, country, and humanity as a whole. Is it not a great drama of development?

Acharya Niranjan Sinha www.niranjansinha.com

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