मंगलवार, 16 मई 2023

How does INNOVATION come about?

If you aspire to have a special, different, unique, high, and respected position and power in your society or in the world, then you need innovation in your thoughts, approach, and behavior. Innovation applies to everyone, whether you are an individual, a society, an institution, a company, a culture, a nation, or anything else. The meaning of innovation is "inventive," "creative," "imaginative," "talented," and "original," and therefore, it is entirely different from what came before.

There are some basic elements required to establish a mechanism i.e. process or methodology of innovation, whether it is within an individual, a company, an institution, a culture, or in all spheres of life. While a high level of energy, deep passion, positive attitude, full dedication, excellent knowledge, and efficient skills may contribute to the proper functioning and yield excellent results, they alone cannot generate innovation. Innovation necessitates something different considerations.

Innovation requires "out-of-the-box" thinking, which in turn demands a "paradigm shift" in thought, process, and behavior. This innovative thinking leads to innovative processes and excellent problem-solving solutions. Thomas Samuel Kuhn wrote a book titled "The Structure of Scientific Revolution" in 1962, emphasizing that the structure of any revolution, whether scientific, cultural, economic, educational, social, or motivational, requires a paradigm shift in the fundamentals of its reference, background, orientation, arrangement, structure, elements or components, mechanism, definition, concepts, and processes.

What is a revolution? It is nothing but a drastic change or transformation in anything within a very short period. "Very short period" is a relative term or concept. If you wish to change or transform anything, whether it be a thought, a concept, or an idea about anything, it begins with a paradigm shift in its related entities.

Innovation requires "out-of-the-box" thinking and such thinking stems from critical thinking, which leads to a scientific temper. The New Education Policy 2020 emphasizes "critical thinking," "out-of-the-box thinking," and "scientism," which refers to scientific temper. Let's examine a statement from the policy document: "Education thus must move towards less content and more towards learning how to think critically and solve problems, how to be creative and multidisciplinary, and how to innovate, adapt, and absorb new material in novel and changing fields." It emphasizes "conceptual understanding rather than rote learning" and "creativity and critical thinking to encourage logical decision-making and innovation."

"Out-of-the-box thinking," i.e. ‘Innovative thinking’ comes from "critical thinking”. But what is Critical thinking and how it work properly? Critical thinking does not need ‘Devotion’ or ‘Faith’. It is a process or methodology to know the ‘truth’ or ‘fact’ or ‘reality’ in it. So, it seeks to analyze, examine, inquire, open, and unify. It means that Critical Thinking needs these stages of the process. We acknowledge well these processes in detail to grasp these concepts very well. These are five verbs represented by all vowels in natural sequences, i.e. ‘A’, ‘E’, ‘I’, ‘O’, and ‘U’.

Let's understand these meanings. ‘A’ stands for ‘to Analyze’. Analyze the subject or topic into its all related components for study or determine the nature and relationship of the parts or components of it. It is the process of separation of the whole into the components parts. It is the preparation of the statement of the constituents of the topic.

‘E’ stands for ‘to Examine’. Examine or inspect or interrogate the all above properly. It is the testing by questioning in order to determine the truth. It is the observation or study of all the above aspects by close examination.

‘I’ stands for ‘to Inquire’. Inquire or put the different questions from different perspectives and angles to seek the real fact or truth. Inquire is the process of examining the subject more rigorously, more intelligently, more sharply, and more in-depth than simply examine  

‘O’ stands for ‘to Open’. Open or expand the subjects or topic to different angles i.e. to move from a closed or fixed meaning to another different meaning. It is a process to make available for different attitudes, for different angles, for different references and for different backgrounds. In other words, It is the process of ‘Generalization’ for wider meaning.

‘U’ stands for ‘to Unify’. Unify or Unite to make all process above mentioned into a unit or a coherent whole. It generates the cause to adhere to its references or its subject or questions. After this stage, it become one or as if one in taking consideration Whole Humanity and Future.

There are five stalwarts, who shape the world into ‘Modernity, “Scientism’ and ‘Critical Thinking’. These are Charles Darwin, Sigmund Fried, Karl Marx, Albert Einstein and Ferdinand de Saussure. Charles Darwin gives ‘the theory of Evolution’. Sigmund Fried gives ‘the theory of Self’. Karl Marx gives ‘the theory of Economic Forces’.  Albert Einstein gives ‘the theory of Relativity’. Ferdinand de Saussure gives ‘the theory of Structure of Languages’.

Charles Darwin explains the relationship between ‘Man’ with ‘Nature’ in his ‘theory of Evolution’ with the concepts of ‘Natural Selection’ and ‘Adaptation’. Sigmund Fried explains the relationship between ‘Man’ with ‘Self’ in his ‘theory of Self’ with the concepts of ‘Id’, ‘Ego’, and ‘Super Ego’. Karl Marx explains the relationship between ‘Man’ with ‘Society’ in his ‘theory of Economic Forces with the concepts of ‘Means’ and ‘Forces’ and the relationship of production, distribution, exchange, and consumption to transform society i.e. the History of Humans. Albert Einstein explains the relationship between ‘Man’ and ‘Cosmos’ in his ‘theory of Relativity’ with his ‘Special Theory of Relativity’ and ‘General Theory of Relativity’. Ferdinand de Saussure gives ‘the Theory of Structure’ of Languages explains the relationship between ‘Man’ with its ‘Expression’ in his ‘theory of Structure of Language’ with the concepts of ‘Superficial meaning’, and ‘Implied meaning’ in relation to each other and to the system. If you want in detail, you may go further reading to understand the basics of ‘Scientism’, ‘Critical Thinking’, and ‘Innovation’.

If we focus on all these fields or subjects related to ‘Innovation’, ‘Critical Thinking’, ‘Creativity’, and ‘Logical Decision Making’ are the subjects of ‘Philosophy’, ‘Psychology’, ‘History’ and “Literature’. Philosophy develops the ways to Critical Thinking. Psychology enforces to understand the human behavioral psychology, i.e. all four types and the process of human intelligence. History gives the idea, depth, and understanding of ‘Culture of society’ i.e. ‘Software of society” and it comes from their “Perception of their history’. Literature clears the superficial meaning, implied meaning, specific meaning, and emotional meaning of Words, Sentences, and Subjects of expression, expressed by Persons, Groups, Gangs, Societies, Cultures, and Nations.

If you want to become innovative to lead the Culture, Society, Nation, Company, Institution, or Humanity, you must grape the above contents seriously. 

Achary Niranjan Sinha


An Appeal


Acharya Niranjan Sinha is an ‘Educationist’, an ‘Innovative Thinker’ and ‘Writer’ to transform the Society in general. He needs your kind support for improving the quality of content and for broadcasting & publishing these innovative Ideas.

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